Skipper Frank

Able bodied seaman


French - German - English


Good historical and navigation knowledge from Monaco to Marseille, Corsica, Quiberon Bay.

Based in Grasse (06), I work with rental companies that offer me as a skipper for small units.

Engine : Max 250 KW Inboard 2x250KW outboard - 12 Pax - 12 m

6 NM from Harbour 

Sail boat : Max 12 m -12 Pax - 6 NM from Harbour 

Master 200 UMS + sailing  finishing miles building

Fast and simplified quotation / contract /  invoicing :

The work and the position are defined upstream in order to define the amount of the service. 

An estimated quote per half day / day / or nautical miles which includes the coverage of meals, transport and accommodation on advance of expense note justified by invoice of actual expenses. 

The contract is read and signed will be accompanied by the inventory on entry on the boat. The inventory and a report is given to the contractor upon delivery of the vessel which will close the contract. 

Payment of the invoice will be made according to the conditions noticed on the quote.

Prices : half-day €160; full day €260 ; Mile : 1,90 €

Certifications :
Seaman N° 20125767 (D) Maritim district Marseille France ;
SSGM = ENG 1 : 31/03/2025 ;
Certificate of competency restricted to vessels below 12 meters in overall lenght engine + sailing within 6 miles from a sea shelter ; Basic safety training ; Medical care training (level 3); Caeers ; OGC ; Rating forming part of a navigational watch ; Crisis management on board passenger ships ; Radar training.

Company N°  : 444 247 373 00046 (Registered Grasse France)

Professional liability : Schomacker Hamburg Germany N° FSK022021-B
